The legal field of money laundering has been regulated in accordance with the growing importance of this criminal phenomenon, as well as the legal obligations placed on entities, so that these in turn will not be used for the purposes of money laundering or any other crimes, constituting a novelty in the field of legal counselling in Romania.
The main areas of this field in which we can provide assistance and representation are:
- Consultancy in the practical implementation of the AML/CFT obligations imposed by the relevant legislation, including the recommendations and guidelines released by authorities and international work groups.
- Specialised consultancy, training of personnel, advising on drafting of internal regulations for organising the identification of the beneficial ownership, as well as the verification of identity, regardless of the clients being natural or legal persons, following the steps laid out by the internal conformity structures.
- Specialised consultancy for the creation and adaptation of the conformity program with the legal requirements involved in preventing money laundering.
- Consultancy aimed at the optimal implementation of procedures used to acquire information on the clientele, of the methodology of risk evaluation, of enrolling and reviewing the clientele and terminating business relations.
- Consultancy in matters of customer due diligence, emphasising answers given to a set of six questions.
- Consultancy in identifying the beneficial ownership in the case of trusts and other similar legal constructs.
- Providing consultancy with the aim of preventing suspicious transactions by establishing the segments of unusual transactions, with an uncertain and unknown future, which attract worries generated by the geographical area chosen by the authorising entity, by jurisdictions with a high risk of corruption or unstable governance, or are otherwise known as dirty money havens, or there are politically or publicly exposed individuals who would benefit from such financial operations.
- Consultancy on the fraudulent use of virtual currency in order to obtain dirty money.
- Familiarising our clients with the competences and investigative powers of the administrative entities which are involved in the process of preventing and combating money laundering.
- Assistance and representation in international cases which can involve crimes from the field of money laundering.
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