

Our mission is to provide innovative and practical legal solutions to environmental and sustainability issues, helping our clients obtain a competitive advantage.

We draft, review, and prepare all necessary documents in the administrative procedure of obtaining all authorisations as required by the laws in force, in relation to the design, execution and completion of the contracted works. Further, we assist the clients in front of public authorities in order to obtain/adapt/renew/extend the construction permit („autorizație de construcție”).

Chiuariu & Associates provides assistance in relation with all legal steps to be undertaken before the relevant authorities in order to obtain the necessary environmental permits in accordance with EU and national legislation.

We advise on all aspects of environmental projects, including:

  • Drafting of the documentation necessary for obtaining the environmental permit or the environmental agreement (presentation form and statement), registering the company in the Integrated Environmental System on the National Agency for Protection of the Environment (ANPM) website, and publishing specific environmental announcements.
  • Submitting the request for obtaining the environmental permit or environmental agreement.
  • Legal consulting concerning the terms imposed by the competent authority regarding reports, which can be monthly/quarterly (usually analysis bulletins), quarterly (ex. used oil report, etc), annual (waste, packaging, accumulators report etc).
  • Assistance with the fulfilment of all environmental obligations.
  • Legal assistance during inspections performed by environmental authorities.
  • Drafting administrative and judicial complaints regarding the unlawful acts and measures of the environmental authorities, and representation before the courts in such cases.
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