There are a range of proceedings whose aim is the deprivation of property, from allegedly criminal (extended confiscation), to other forms of illegal conduct, complementary to administrative contraventions, and to unjustified wealth (pursued by the tax authorities or the special committees for the control of wealth).
Our attorneys master the whole range of judicial strategies and defences in order to avoid miscarriages of justice, which are common in this field, due to the deficient legal framework, the novelty of the procedures and the prevalence of investigative means of the state authorities.
- Represented the mayor of a county-seat city during an evaluation procedure, through which National Agency for Integrity (ANI) requested the confiscation of a supposed significant difference of over 2.000.000 lei. The client entrusted us for representation during the stage of appeal on points of law („recurs” in Romanian legal system) and we obtained a cassation of the unfavourable first instance decision and the retrial of the entire case.
- Represented multiple special status public officials in evaluation procedures through which ANI requested the confiscation of supposed significant differences valued at 100.000 to 600.000 lei, achieving the dismissal of the cases.
- Represented a former senator from the Parliament of Romania during an evaluation procedure whereby ANI requested the confiscation of a supposed significant difference of approximatively 330.000 lei, obtaining the dismissal of the case.
- Represented multiple categories of elected officials and high level public officers in evaluation procedures initiated by ANI, whereby it requested the confiscation of supposed significant differences in the range of 300.000 to 2.100.000 lei, achieving avourable solutions, namely either the dismissal of the cases, or the lowering of the laims made by ANI by 80%-90%.
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