
Criminal Law

Our criminal law team has a profound understanding of the field, tested by the numerous years of professional practice which make it up. Through the assistance and representation ensured by the attorneys of Chiuariu & Associates, we are able to use the entire applicable legal framework (CCR decisions, appeals in the interest of the law, preliminary ruling on questions of law, handed out by the HCCJ, European Union law and CJEU preliminary rulings, ECHR judgements, general case-law) in order to provide the fulfilment of the procedural rights of our clients, reaching high levels of professionalism.

Starting from the fact that every case presents its particular characteristics, our team will offer consultancy in choosing the optimal strategy of tackling criminal trials, in a manner that is suited to your case.

Our team will offer legal assistance and representation in all types of criminal cases, in both their criminal and civil limbs:

  • Successful assistance and representation of natural persons in criminal law/corporate criminal law cases (”white collar crime”), touching upon acts of corruption (giving and receiving bribes, influence peddling, purchase of influence), abuse of office, using the position to favour others (conflict of interests) and crimes against patrimony.
  • Assistance and representation in criminal cases of financial nature: tax evasion, money laundering, crimes against the financial interests of the European Union.
  • Assistance and representation in cases concerning acts assimilated in the sphere of corruption, e.g. granting state aid through illegal means or not tracking, according to the law, the observance of the funds’ destination, using the aid for other purposes than those they were granted for, as well as utilising credits backed by public funds or that will eventually be reimbursed.
  • Assistance and representation in criminal cases which concern medical negligence, workplace accidents, cybercrime and crimes against traffic regulations.

In addition, we can offer assistance and representation in connected matters, such as prevention measures, criminal rehabilitation, conditional release, extended confiscation, initiating applications at the ECHR or the protection of crime victims.

Recent work:

  • Assisted a former president of the Romanian Senate who was indicted by the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the HCCJ for crimes of abuse of office and usurpation of public office, a case that ended with an acquittal that remained final.
  • Offered legal representation to a security company in a case initiated by the NAD, concerning abuse of office committed during a public procurement procedure valued at over 10 million euros.
  • Legal assistance and representation offered to a natural person that was indicted in a case regarding tax evasion (the damages were valued at more than 7 million lei), forming an organised crime group and crimes from corporate legislation.
  • Assistance and representation offered to a blackmailing victim, in a case concerning acts which violate the concepts of private life and sexual integrity.
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